Republican for Wisconsin State Assembly
Curt Gielow, Leadership Worth Following

United we stand

Curt Gielow

Contact Curt

Last updated:
November 26, 2002

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Curt Gielow defeated Democrat Lin Clousing in the November 5th General Election in the 23rd Assembly District.

Representative-elect Curt Gielow would like to thank everyone who helped in this long eight-month campaign.  He looks forward to representing and serving his constituents with dignity, honesty, and civility.


Dear friends and neighbors,

Nearly six years ago I decided that to fix a critical problem in my community, I needed to get involved in the solution, not just complain about the circumstance.  Like many people, I was busy with work, church, and family commitments and concerned about the time this involvement would take away from an already busy life.  Nevertheless, in 1997 I ran for alderman in the city of Mequon on a pledge to fix an increasingly critical water problem for homeowners in a substantial section of our city.  I was able to make a difference, and within 2 years the problem was solved through my introduction of an innovative private solution to this public problem.  This was done without any burden on taxpayers, while allowing completely voluntary participation by citizens who wanted Lake Michigan water.

Like the issue of solving a major water problem several years ago, I am now drawn to the larger problems of state over-spending, over-taxing, and under-serving.  The Wisconsin Legislature seems to need a dose of innovative thinking, straight talking, common sense, and business experience to fix the growing problems Wisconsin faces.  I believe I can help.

I hope I can have your support and urge you to explore the pages of this website to learn more about me, those that already know and support me, and how you might also lend a hand to this grass roots campaign to send a citizen-legislator to Madison to make a difference.



Member, Ozaukee County Republican Party
Paid for by Friends of Curt Gielow, Dan Minahan, Chairman, Roger Reinemann, Tres.