Republican for Wisconsin State Assembly
Curt Gielow, Leadership Worth Following

United we stand

Curt Gielow

I believe...

  • state government should be as small as possible.
  • in the adage of former Speaker Tip O'Neill, "all politics is local."
  • a State Representative should have previous experience in municipal government and in dealing with the issues closest to the taxpayer.
  • taxes should be value-based and therefore always weighed against the test of value received for the dollar paid.
  • in a part-time citizen-legislature form of government as was intended by our forefathers.  Too much time involved in government yields too much government.
  • in basic Republican principles of free enterprise, smaller government, less tax burden, and family values.
  • a state legislator should be someone with a track record of getting things done.
  • the experience of owning and running a small business is invaluable in understanding the principles of running government.
  • that common sense is a great virtue for a public servant.


State Assembly
Leadership Worth Following


Member, Ozaukee County Republican Party
Paid for by Friends of Curt Gielow, Dan Minahan, Chairman, Roger Reinemann, Tres.